Seven thousands hectoliters per year, not a single one more: this is our balance, our magic number.
7000, a wonderful journey
There was a time, not many years ago, when craft beer felt like a galloping horse: some craft breweries sold to macro, others would pursue volume increase with bigger and bigger brewhouses and a feverish brewing rhythm.
We were somehow charmed by this productivism, and hoped that such an increase could be the right way to offer craft beer to a wider audience of newcomers.
We then started asking ourselves whether or not for real bigger quantities could allow us to care for every aspect of the production process like we were used to; to follow and know each of our beers with the degree of detail which has marked our production since day 1.

We understood that the galloping horse was about to buck. And so we stopped, and calculated the maximum yearly amount we would be able to brew without ever compromising on quality.
We drew a line at 7000 hls: once that mark is reached, we will keep our quantities steady, without ever brewing a single hectoliter in excess… A threshold which marks our self-awareness and maturity as craft brewers.
"Your passion is also our passion, and we know that sometimes a good glass is really worth more than a thousand ordinary glasses."